The 2024 GAP Report™, “Powering Productivity – Scaling High Impact Bundles of Proven & Emerging Tools”, builds on the foundations laid by the 2023 GAP Report by considering how barriers to access and adoption of proven sustainable productivity-enhancing tools resulting from the enabling environment, behavioral factors, and external shows can be tackled by rethinking our approach to bundling.
It will also examine timely means of tailoring bundles based on context and need. The 2024 GAP Report™ will feature the learnings from our partner organizations on innovative bundles of tools, science-based policies, socio-economic interventions, and/or dissemination pipelines that creates productivity growth and returns to the producer, society, the economy, and the environment.
October 3rd, 2024
7:30 a.m. – 11 a.m. EST
National Press Club
Washington, D.C.
7:30 am Continental Breakfast
8:00 am Welcoming Remarks
Dr. Tom Thompson, Associate Dean and Director, CALS Global, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences / / Executive Editor, GAP Report / / Virginia Tech
8:05 am Keynote Address
Dr. Simeon Ehui, Director General, IITA // CGIAR Regional Director for West Africa
8:15 am 2024 Global Agricultural Productivity Analysis // South Asia Spotlight
Dr. Tom Thompson
8:30 am Off the Shelf & Into the Field Through High Impact Bundles
Panel Discussion
This panel will explore successful examples of bundling to cross the divide between R&D and widespread adoption of proven and emerging productivity-enhancing tools. Perspectives from government, private sector, researchers, and donors will be shared. Opportunities for advancing our scaling strategies will also be discussed.
Moderator: Dr. Jessica Agnew, Associate Director, CALS Global // Managing Editor, GAP Report // Virginia Tech
H.E. Dr. Efa Muleta, State Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Ethiopia
Dr. Rob Bertram, Chief Scientist, U.S. Agency for International Development
Dr. Alejandra Castro, Vice President of International Affairs and Sustainability Strategy, Bayer Crop Science
Mr. Arun Baral, CEO, HarvestPlus
Dr. Mario Ortez Amador, Collegiate Assistant Professor of Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship, Kohl Centre, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech
9:15 am Coffee Break
9:40 am Fireside Chat
Dr. Basil Gooden, USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development
Moderated by Ben Grove, Director of Development, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Tech
10:00 am View from the Field
Panel Discussion
This panel amplifies the farmer’s voice, exploring the opportunities and challenges in adopting productivity-enhancing tools. It will highlight the importance of agricultural productivity growth and discuss how bundling can reduce risks and streamline the adoption of sustainable technologies, practices, and knowledge to improve both productivity and farmer livelihoods.
Moderator: To be confirmed
Tebila Nakelse, GAP Initiative Research Lead, CALS Global, Virginia Tech (Small-scale cash crop production, Côte d’Ivoire)
Ms. Belinda Burrier (Soybeans, corn, wheat, hay, United States)
Jose Luis Gonzalez Chacon (Poultry farmer, Climate Smart Agriculture, Colombia (Virtual))
Marcus Holtkötter (Swine farmer, Germany (Virtual))
Ms. Rekha Sanjay Atole (Cotton, maize, India (Virtual))
*Translation provided by Yogesh Singare and Priya Chaudhary, S M Seghal Foundation
10:45 am Closing Remarks
Dr. Mario Ferruzzi, Dean, College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, Virginia Tech
Dr. Simeon Ehui
Keynote Speaker
Director General, IITA // CGIAR Regional Director for West Africa
Dr. Basil Gooden
Fireside Chat
USDA Under Secretary for Rural Development
Excellency Efa Muleta
State Minister, Ministry of Agriculture, Republic of Ethiopia
Dr. Rob Bertram
Chief Scientist, Bureau for Resilience, Environment, and Food Security, U.S. Agency for International Development
Dr. Alejandra Castro
Vice President for International Affairs and Sustainability Strategy, Bayer Crop Science
Mr. Arun Baral
CEO, HarvestPlus
Dr. Mario Ortez Amador
Collegiate Assistant Professor of Agribusiness and Entrepreneurship, Kohl Centre, Department of Agricultural and Applied Economics, Virginia Tech
Dr. Tebila Nakelse
Research Lead, GAP Initiative at Virginia Tech
Ms. Belinda Burrier
Soybean, Corn, Wheat, Hay Farmer, Maryland
District Director, Maryland Farm Bureau // Maryland Agricultural Council // Director, MASA-Mid-Atlantic Soybean Association // Farmer Ambassador, Farm Journal Foundation
Mr. Jose Luis Gonzalez Chacon
Poultry Farmer, Colombia
Global Farmer Network
Mr. Marcus Holtkötter
Swine Farmer, Germany
Global Farmer Network
Ms. Rekha Sanjay Atole
Cotton and Maize Farmer, India
SM Seghal Foundation
The Global Agricultural Productivity Initiative at Virginia Tech (GAP Initiative) mobilizes and advocates for action and investment to accelerate agricultural productivity growth at all scales of production to create returns to farmers, society, the economy, and the environment. The GAP Report™ is the heart of the GAP Initiative. This annually produced report is the premier source for productivity data, analysis, and policy recommendations that inspire action.
Supporting Partners provide financial support for the GAP Initiative, GAP Report, and related activities. They offer important perspectives on critical issues facing agriculture in the U.S. and around the world.
Technical Partners contribute their knowledge of productive, sustainable agriculture, including the role of agricultural R&D and extension, natural resource conservation, human nutrition, international development, gender equity, and the needs of small-scale farmers.