Corteva Agriscience

Strengthening Smallholder Markets in Argentina

Stories from the 2023 GAP Report partners.

Corteva is leading a collaboration with key stakeholders in Argentina to improve the productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers in the provinces of Salta and Corrientes. Although growing conditions in these regions are favorable for corn, farmers often lack access to climate-optimized seed, sustainably advantaged crop protection products, and agronomic training. They also face challenges with harvesting, warehousing, and access to finance. This collaboration is strengthening the market system while advancing Corteva’s mission to enrich the lives of those who produce and those who consume for generations to come.


Through Prospera Argentina, Corteva Agriscience is collaborating with provincial governments, Global Communities, and other key stakeholders to improve the productivity and incomes of smallholder farmers in Argentina. Together, the collaboration is strengthening the market system for smallholder farmers in the provinces of Salta and Corrientes, helping Corteva to grow its business and meet the needs of its customers.

Salta and Corrientes represent Argentina’s diverse growing climates, with arid Salta surrounded by mountains and tropical Corrientes bordered by the Rio Parana. Here, smallholder farmers primarily grow corn for livestock feed. Although growing conditions in these regions are favorable for corn, farmers often lack access to climate-optimized seed, sustainably advantaged crop protection products, and agronomic training. They also face challenges with harvesting, warehousing, and access to finance.

Corteva is working closely with key stakeholders and farmers to better understand farmer challenges and assess gaps in the existing market system. Through a multi-pronged approach, the program is increasing farmer access to key tools for growing agricultural productivity, such as financing, mechanization, and agronomic training, as well as developing market linkages that enable smallholder farmers to transport and sell excess grain. In collaboration with Global Communities, Prospera Argentina is connecting smallholder farmers to a market system for key inputs and services.

Corteva agronomists provide training to farmers on climate-optimized Pioneer® and Brevant® corn seed hybrids, proper fertilizer use, sustainable application of crop protection products, and sustainable agricultural practices. Using demonstration plots and group discussions, agronomists share best practices on the impact of seed hybrids on yield, timing of fertilizer, and crop protection application, as well as optimal harvest methods for livestock feed, storing, and commodity market sales.

Together, this collaboration is supporting smallholder farmers in the Salta and Corrientes provinces to produce more corn and increase their incomes, all while strengthening the market system for all involved.

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